Saturday, October 8, 2011

In the land of no-camera the iPhone is king

It's time for...
Gina vs. Canon camera: The Wrath of Khan.

I asked the guy at the store if I could take the camera out of the box and extend the boom to make sure it doesn't tip the hell over before I bought it. It doesn't.
I even shouted "EARTHQUAKE TEST!" a la Ace Ventura.

I doth learn'd my lesson and bought yonder warrantee.

It is a Canon PowerShot ELPH 100HS. 2 less Megapixels but since I'm not trying to win a Pulitzer for photography or anything I didn't much care.

My mother makes a respectable point.

It is very windy today and the rain started on the way home.

Obligatory double rainbow joke incoming...

I haven't ever seen a rainbow this clear or vivid before.


  1. Mom was telling me about the death of your camera. I am sorry for your loss. Does this one still have that function you love with the crazy filters?

  2. Yes it does, which is why I got a Canon (same brand the broken one was). It actually has one additional filter called "toy camera".
