Monday, October 31, 2011


iPhone Autocorrection Text to Sarah:
What I sent: No, I just feel bad bc you’ll be busy doing today’s stuff
What I ALMOST SENT: No, I just Ferlinghetti bad bc you’ll be busty doing today’s studs.

Since it's relatively late at night (for the rest of the free word, not me) I'll keep this to pictures mostly.

CFE passed the surprise AHCA inspection with ZERO CITATIONS!
Note: I know everyone who reads this blog with the exception of my brother knows this already but that is unheard of.

My Wednesday. Victoria's Secret, MAC, and Starbucks, ha-ha-ha.
Also featured: TARDIS keychain.

Also on Wednesday I got a pretty fancy printer. I don't particularly need a scanner but it's impossible to find one nowadays without one. I had this blue one for the longest time (since college) that I don't even have the powercord and install disc for anymore. Am I allowed to just leave it by the road on garbage day?
It's wireless, which is my favorite part. I forgot how much I actually print. For years I've been emailing myself stuff to print off at work the next day, but to actually print when I want to is kinda nice.

Later, Robert Downey Jr. tried to sell me shit on QVC.

Obligatory scenery images.

Made a cinnamon apple caramel "cake" for office party. I use quotes because I dislike how it turned out.

Me wearing my halloween bling.

Alas, poor Yorick. He's been demoted to office party entertainment.

I thought this is supposed to be a knitting blog.

Yorick the Styrofoam skull is now at my house guarding the candy bowl for trick or treaters.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Awesome Post of Awesome

Grandma: (Bird clock, part 2) I came out here the other day and the clock was ticking. Later I hear the bird chirp even though it wasn’t an o’clock. I guess it’s haunting me. I’ll have to throw it out before it drives me crazy.

Let's see what did I do on Saturday oh yeah nothing. I got a bunch of knitting done, though, for the project I can't talk about until it's finished.

Today has been a good day.

Sunday is usually my errand day. I usually have three or four stores on rotation and will go to one of them each weekend. Target, Ulta, Southgate Mall, Publix... today was Ulta's turn. I had to get a new counter mirror because the one I have now is possessed.

Sundays are also great for Starbucks. (But let's be honest here. EVERYTIME is great for Starbucks.) Starbucks is my equivalent of the beach; I go there to read or to knit on their patio with the big umbrellas and I'm happy that I got out of the house. Last time I was there it was for knitting but I had to leave because there were people smoking at the table next to me.

When I went in to Starbucks today the hot barista guy complimented me on my choice in books (I was holding Jonathan Strange). We talked about the plot and then Neil Gaiman's American Gods for a bit.

I'll have to find out when he's working next...

After I got my coffee, I had every intention of reading a few dozen pages of Mr. Norrel & Jonathan Strange but I got distracted by an adorable doggie that was on the patio.

I mean, Hunter is adorable and all, but this dog was something else. From far away he looked like a black bear cub. I think he's a chow mix of some sort, I can't remember.

His name is Thor. THOR.
Though his owner calls him Scruffage.

I was trying to read at the start but I got completely distracted by Janet and Richard (his owners) and we talked for over an hour about all sorts of stuff. Janet used to live in Chicago and Baltimore which is quite a coincidence. We also talked about Pompeii quite a bit. And yarns.

Richard: I had a gerbil once. I named it The Duchess of Flanders. It used to confuse the ‘food corner’ with the ‘poop corner.’ Whatever affection I had for it was gone that day. One day it was dead. It was an un-event.

(Re: How long Mr. Norrel and Jonathan Strange is)
Richard: Her editors probably told her to condense it a little bit. But since it took her ten years to write, she probably told the editors to go to hell.

It was good to meet such nice funny people, and they let me paparazzi their doggie the whole time.

I was later reminded of this:

I got absolutely no reading done, but that's okay.


I can't wait for Sherlock season 2.


It seems that ever since my last post, everywhere I go, I am seeing yellow Camaros.

Not a bad thing.

Monday, October 17, 2011


(About my Grandma’s broken bird-call wall clock that she's had for 25 years)
Grandma: I guess I’ll have to throw it out. [long dramatic pause] Maybe I’ll bury it in the yard.

Not yet.
Not yet.

Today is gloom and doom and AHCA inspections.

I did get to stock up on my favorite snack food. I think Tami got me addicted to these back in college. I can't find these at Publix and can only find them at Target. I only go there maybe once a month so I like to buy them in bulk.

Last Wednesday, Sarah's lunch of fruit was stolen out of the fridge.
Heather (one of our nurses) took exception to and showed up Monday with this glowing piece of literature and hung it the employee break room.

Heather also gifted a pineapple to Sarah. This is even funnier when you consider Heather is CFE's Infectious Disease specialist.

I have the feeling Heather's lunch was stolen as a child.

I saw this beauty at lunch.
Normally this wouldn't pique my interest since I'm not really a car person (All I want is a Maserati Gran Turino, gosh) but I'm currently on a Transformers kick since I finally saw the third movie.

"Um yeah, Satan's Camaro? It's stalking me."

Bumblebee did it better.

Today is also Boss's day and we surprised Leslie with some goodies.

And now I just finished making some of my sis's WORLD FAMOUS chicken enchiladas. I think I make them more then she does.

Om nom nom happy gina

Oh and I forgot to mention that Leslie, Sarah, and I lost the "Name the Next Pendergast Book" challenge. Just like we lost the "you get to be in the next book" challenge.
The next Pendergast book will be called "Two Graves".

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Corner of Webber and Beneva.

Bee Ridge Rd.

McIntosh Rd.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

I may be addicted to FaceTime.

I am going to time how long it takes for my bro to text me explicatives for posting this.

Happy birthday to my sister TAMI!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

In the land of no-camera the iPhone is king

It's time for...
Gina vs. Canon camera: The Wrath of Khan.

I asked the guy at the store if I could take the camera out of the box and extend the boom to make sure it doesn't tip the hell over before I bought it. It doesn't.
I even shouted "EARTHQUAKE TEST!" a la Ace Ventura.

I doth learn'd my lesson and bought yonder warrantee.

It is a Canon PowerShot ELPH 100HS. 2 less Megapixels but since I'm not trying to win a Pulitzer for photography or anything I didn't much care.

My mother makes a respectable point.

It is very windy today and the rain started on the way home.

Obligatory double rainbow joke incoming...

I haven't ever seen a rainbow this clear or vivid before.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Trying to decipher Dr. L's handwriting
Me: What is this word?
Mary: Sinesis.
Me: Is that a real word?
Mary: No.

Mom: I bought one of those Dyson vacuums. Oh... my god. I can't believe the crap coming out of my carpet.

(Commercial for Credit Card): As a teacher, I go through school supplies quickly. Pencils, paper, hamsters...
My Aunt: I hope they don’t go through hamsters that fast.

I broke my camera.
My expensive camera.
My wonderful Canon.
It fell off the counter.
On to tile.
The lens broke.


FaceTime with my mom <3

A patient I had a knitting conversation with over a month ago remembered when she came in for her procedure and gave me a gift on Thursday morning. It's cream colored laceweight yarn and a note.

I'll have to get back to you after I buy a new camera...