Monday, January 14, 2013

(After Jackie puts 20 sugars in her tiny cup of coffee)
(Deb) You should just smoke crack, it's better for you.

In today's news, I had the flu, then I got better, then I got a cold. Currently getting better.

I also saw The Hobbit.  

So many beards.

Stayed up real late the other day, went into rage-mode knitting and finally finished Esther's hat!

First it was a Big Bang Theory Marathon.

Then it was the dulcet sound of Indiana Jones and the Lost Ark.

Then finally I had to bring out the big guns and watch my second favorite documentary: Chemistry: A Volatile History. (Second to Kasparov and the Machine, a documentary on a chess-playing computer. Third favorite, Moon Machines, a documentary on the Apollo program. Like you didn't already know I was a nerd.)

I have to say the hat came out gorgeous, she did a good job picking out the thread and pattern.

Pattern: Hinagiku Hat by Violetta
Mods: I don't remember how many extra stitches I casted on, but I increased it to 24" brim

It decreased extremely quickly towards the crown; in each decrease row 2 out of every 3 stitches was removed, which creates that bunching on the top. Normally I'm a fan of smooth decreases (no bunching) but I like it on this project.

Fabulous Esther is fabulous!

On Christmas, Vin and I stopped over at Andrew's to have coffee and eat some bruschetta with epic cheese. 

Vin's friend Jeremy came over one day and we had Portillo's and then I had to fight for my honor on Super Smash Brothers. 

 Andrew came over for New Years Noms where he claimed not be phased by Lumi's cuteness.

 How can you not?!

It snowed for a little bit the other day, and then at night there was a freezing rain. The ground was still wet the next morning when I went to work. 

On Fridays, we have to park away from the main entrance because the clients need the parking spots, so I parked off the road in a field.

Twenty cars lined up in the damn field and I'm the only one that gets stuck in the mud. My training room comrades were nice enough to go outside in the cold and push my car.


At least the views are really nice! The trees are in my backyard and the sunrise was taken on my drive to work.

Gonna start up on the Mohair Bias Loop shawl next

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