Sunday, August 7, 2011

Joyce H: You wanna take this medication with 8 oz. of a clear liquid. Gatorade, water, tea--

(On faking the moon landing)
Sarah: If you buy a laser pointer you can shine it on the Moon and see the reflector dish that the Apollo astronauts left up there.
Joyce J: You can do that with a regular old laser pointer?
Sarah: No, a thousand-dollar one.
Joyce J: Yeah, no thanks. I'll stick to my theory that it was filmed in Arizona.

I struck gold last Thursday when I was getting into my car after work. I've never been so happy to have a camera than at this moment. This picture doesn't even need a caption. Suffice to say there is no Irish or Scottish restaurant nearby. Well, McDonald's.

No, really? This does not an allergy make.
My office likes to keep bringing up the person who wrote "Epinephrine - it makes my heart beat faster" as an allergy.

Unholy, yummy pizza.

Melted butter, cinnamon and Sugar on a tortilla. 350 for 9 minutes.

I've become addicted to knitting lace.

I still have 450 yards of gray left because I keep ripping out what I knit. I am currently working on two at the moment.
This one is "Stewardess". It's quite nice and very easy to memorize but the problem is that it's knit in stockinette which means there is a "pretty" (knit) side but also an "ugly" (purl) side.

And this is "Sleeping Beauty" by Arlene, a German knitter who is my lace guru. I love checking her store on and seeing she has a new pattern published. However it's crazy difficult, as most of hers are (she was the one who wrote that leaf pattern that I gave up on). How the hell do you even design something as complicated as this?
I had to restart this six times because I kept &%$#ing up and I wanted to ragequit but since I spent a few bucks on it I wanted to at least get through ONE pattern repeat.

My problem was that I am better at reading knitted instructions than following a chart, and this pattern is 100% chart with no words. I had to google "how to read a knitting chart" to figure out what I was doing wrong.

Unlike "Stewardess", this pattern is knit in garter, which means it's "knit" on both sides (has no ugly side), which is good for a scarf.

Have I mentioned I can't wait for it to be cold again?

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