Thursday, May 30, 2013

For those of you playing along at home

I got a promotion at work! I am now the Appraisal Coordinator (one step below management, hee hee hee) 

I got moved out of my beloved Training Room. Very sad day especially since...

My derpy brother has now started working for my company! (Happy!)
Ryan moved to North Carolina so the investor shipper position opened up. 

Anyway my job is basically acting as the firewall between the loan officers/processors and the appraisers/appraisal management companies we use. Any communication between the two has to go to through me since they are prohibited from knowing who is who until after the order is closed. I also check them for errors, request changes, open and close orders, manage disaster cerifications, call appraisers, and keep track of a shitton of stuff... it's a very busy job and 5:00 rolls around so fast every day. 

Tami and J visited la casa and we had a N64 vintage marathon. I don't suck that badly at Mario Kart but I was shocked at how bad I was at Super Smash Bros.

I only won once. 
Go Link Go.

My brother dominated so badly that we ended up doing Vin vs. Tami J and I.

We still lost. I now have nightmares of Kirby power-attacking my teeth out.

We took a photo to commemorate the epic ass kicking. I guess this is Vin's take on Draw-Me-Like-One-Of-Your-French-Girls. (J: "I'll never let go.")

Saw Star Trek Into Darkness with the fam and then again with Andrew last Friday. It was our one-year-anniversary and I we went to Hollywood Palms with his family. 

Andrew: You think they'd notice if I took that Iron Man statue home?

Speaking of Iron Man, finally saw Iron Man 3. I was surprise by how much I didn't like it. Individual moments and scenes were great, but overall I didn't care for it. 

It's time for Relevant-But-Not-Really GIF!

Oh hay so I am knitting a new project: Rock Island Shawl by Jared Flood, pictured here in his official glamor shot from his website,

I've been a fan of this design since the dark ages of my knitting history, but was always too unsure of my skill level to start it. A while back I bought the yarn for it (Midnight by Knit Picks, a nice black lace yarn with peacock colors woven into it)

It's so much fun and so fulfilling to see Jared Flood's fucking insane instructions actually work.

So now I'm just going to nom your internets with some process pictures of it so far:

Foundation row

Knitting in the car. I now know which stretch of highway in Illinois is the bumpiest. 
(Also, got my hair cut.)

I'm on row 14 out of 24 for the Rock Island lace section, then after that it's mindless garter stitch until the ends meet. 

Mom was out of town for a few days so Vin and I took advantage of the long weekend and play through through Splinter Cell Conviction (DUN DUN DUN PROTECT SAM DUN DUN DUN)
in preparation for Splinter Cell Blacklist which comes out I think Aug. 20. (I almost wrote "on or around August 20", damn you mortgage business, damn you.)

On a whim we also restarted Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Best Game Ever and got Starbucks Frappucinos, which is our thing we do to mark important events.

 Had to resort to using online walkthrough a surprising number of times because, like, this game is harder than I remember it being. God.

Anyway I eagerly await Xetzu's "omg, you updated your blog" facebook post and leave you with
this lovely photo of Sam Fisher.