Okay, so the reason I hardly ever update my blog is because Blogger changed their update interface and I hate it.
That being said, it has been a long time since I’ve updated it so once again I will resort to epic picspam with as little explanation as I can get away with.
I have a job.
I am the Final Documents Recorder (and receptionist, but that’s only about 5% of the time) for First Centennial Mortgage. We are a nationwide company that did over $100 million last year. I work at the Aurora branch, which is the main corporate office with the president and vice president and the lead loan officers. As far as my job goes, when the mortgages and final title policies are all done and signed and recorded by the various title companies, they are shipped to me. From there I do some magic voodoo with them for my company and then send them out to the banks. I also help with Housing and Urban Development cases.
This is my new home away from home.
This is my desk.
This is what my desk looks like at any given moment. The lovely spread is one HUD case file. I always have two fedex boxes at any given time, one for Wells Fargo and one for JP Morgan Chase.
My daily work.
View from my desk to the outside. It’s so nice having an office with a view.
Those piles of shite are no longer there; this was my first day.
The best thing about my job is that nobody gives a crap how you get your work done as long as it gets done. I can watch youtube or watch a movie on my ipad or listen to music while I work.
Featured: Red vs. Blue, an incredibly good webseries.
I’ve been there about two months now.
My first week or so I was there I kept referring to the clientele as “patients”, haha. Old habits die hard. I was talking to a loan officer on the phone and I asked “What’s the patient’s name? Oh wait, I mean client… Sorry, I used to work in healthcare.” The gal on the other end laughed and said “Well, the way they act sometimes they need to be patients somewhere.”
We had a severe thunderstorm alert last week when I was at work. We all went outside in the crazy wind and I snapped this picture of the crazy-ass weather.
And here comes the picspam.
Obligatory cute Lu picture.
Tami and Jeremy have me doin’ this baseball thing at this place called “outside”.
Also, somewhere along the line I picked up a boyfriend.
I still don’t know how this happened.
One month anniversary.
The scarf is from Rome, Italy. Tami got it for me when she went there with Mom and Jeremy for about two weeks. The earrings are from Mom too.
I’ve gotten a lot of good knitting done since moving up here. My friend Esther at work was wearing a knitted shrug that she got at JC Penny and it inspired me to knit my own.
This is my idea of a perfect Saturday: Pajamas, doggie, knitting, and yes, Red vs. Blue marathon.
‘The Esther’ as I’ve been calling it, ironed and almost finished.
Putting the edges on.
Yeah, I don’t have a picture of the finished project since it didn’t shape quite right (didn’t make it long enough) and it was scratchy (my own fault for buying wool). But I bought new softer yarn and am remaking it.
We had a huge family get-together today for the 4th of July.
Jeremy and Andrew were the manly men in charge of the grill. And they sipped manly champagne while dousing the raw burgers in manly lighter fluid.
My family.
Vin couldn’t be at the party because he had to work. Andrew and I visited him after dinner at GameStop so at least he would have some kind of human contact. The storm we had Sunday knocked out their internet and credit card scanner line so the 25 minute drive to his workplace was worth it just to hear him use dial-up to scan someone’s credit card.
Terrifying. Hitchcock dog.
I’ve been looking for an excuse to use this .gif but I haven’t had a good one so I’ll just tack it on the end of this post.
Happy Higgs Boson Day!
I love the picture of Vin...surrounded by the world of gaming.