Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Is it safe?

I have recently returned from the dentist for my 6 month routine cleaning thing.

24 years of oral hygiene: 1
Cavities: 0
(C'mon, cavities, are you even trying?!)

I brought a new project with me to the dentist hoping for 10 minutes to knit (I, unlike most people, love to wait in waiting rooms.) I love to knit in public and the opportunity doesn't present itself often. I love the "but you're so young!" Luckily they were running late and I got 30 minutes to knit.

Thankfully the waiting room was empty so nobody saw me take a picture.

See even Russell Crowe knits. (PS you're doing it wrong Russell.)

When the Dentist paid me a visit after the general cleaning we chatted about stuff. Eventually the conversation turned to what we've been doing recently. I told him a goal of mine was to get a something published in a knitting magazine. He told me his life's goal was to have a cocktail named after him. This is why my dentist is awesome.

He recommended I get my molars re-sealed. Since I have no recollection of ever getting them sealed the first time, I asked him what was involved. I think he was concerned that I thought there was pain involved (when in reality it was 3pm and I hadn't had lunch yet and wanted to know how long it took), so he jokes and says "It's TORTUROUS." "So I'll be Dustin Hoffman in Marathon Man?" "Exactly."

I also have a (really lame) gift for Sarah (yes you Sarah) that I stole from the dentist.

I went to Olive Garden (since Joanna's crafty place was right there... PS they don't carry lace yarn) and I got me some chicken alfredo and salad+breadsticks.

And of course, I knit while waiting for the order. I was hunched over the table in the darkness of the bar waiting for my carry-out order, trying to read the lace pattern with the same zeal as if I was working on the Manhattan Project.

Thankfully the woman at the bar was on her way to drunk so nobody saw me take a picture.

On the way home the planet earth was suddenly hit with an epidemic of people driving too slow in my lane. (35 in a 40? Look at your life. Look at your choices.)

In summation, with the perfect storm of A) no lunch by 4pm B) my favorite olive garden dinner C) new sealants on all 4 molars = It feels strange eat so I gave up for now :-( fah

I took this image from CrazyAuntPurl's blog. I desperately want this pattern.

I had been working on this lacy leafy pattern (its visually gorgeous but hurts my brain to knit it.)

But I ripped that out in favor of the Olive Garden Dentist project:

Rubbish picture but you get the idea.

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