I've been sitting here for an hour typing up a nice blog entry and I just accidentally closed the damn window so I have to start from scratch.
Nutella fondue with the fam and Andrew.
Finally saw Dark Knight Rises with Andrew then did Chili's afterwards.
Wii sports with Andrew and his brother. I killed them in puppy frisbee, Andrew murdered in bowling, and Mike was epic at archery.
One reason why the place I work for is awesome is the food. There is always food in the break room. Oberweis Dairy is right down the street and someone bought a crapload of ice cream pies and bought them in for us. Lunch is more often than not catered on Fridays from all sorts of places (Mexican, Pizza, Italian...) The first week I was here Ryan had made hamburgers and hotdogs on the grill outside. I've put on two pounds here.

I was promoted a few weeks ago but I couldn't start my new job full time until I had trained the new receptionist, Diana, who is awesome. Space is limited at the Aurora office and desks are a valued resource due to the sheer amount of people that work there. Because I wasn't going to be at the front desk any longer I had to find a new desk. Rich (the Operations Manager) had told me I was going to be stationed in the training Room for a while until they got some more desks, so I started putting my stuff around one of the computers there to "claim" it. I have three or four pens that I brought with me from FL and I didn't want to leave them there unattended so I left this note:

As it turns out I was given the empty cubicle between Georgann and Cindy. (Thank god, I really didn't want to be in the training room.) I'm still looking for ways to geek it up a little bit since it's kind of bland right now. Vin gave me a Starfleet pin a while back and I have that Tardis pin... I might use those as tacks.
Went to lunch with Raven to Buffalo Wild Wings
Raven's last day was Friday (sad sad)
I went to St. Charles the other day and walked around downtown for a bit. There was a little yarn store there I wanted to see.
More St. Charles.
Wool & Co.
They are a certified carrier of
Madelinetosh yarn. I bought two skeins of Madelinetosh's DK weight in the color "Curiosity" (a medium purple)
Knit a hat for Shannon's friend.
Mom and I discovered Aliano's Italian restaurant a few weeks ago while taking the dog for a walk. For a little tiny hole-in-the-wall place, we noticed there was a constant stream of people in and out so we decided to come back.
Started off with a nice Bruchette with "epic cheese". Lots of garlic though, goddamn.
I was predictable as hell, ordering the chicken alfredo. It was good and the portions are huge.
I was home alone one night, reading
Robopocalypse and scaring the shit out of myself. Awesome book, highly recommended! It's one of those books where don't want to read anything else for a while because you're still "living" in the world of the previous book.
Spielberg has signed on to direct the Robopocalypse movie. I recently read that Chris Hemsworth (Thor from the Avengers) was his first pick to play Bright Boy Wallace (one of the the main characters) and I approve.
I wonder if the Freeborn androids from the novel will be CG or if actors will play the androids. If actors will play the androids, I totally want Chris Hemsworth to play Nine-Oh-Two Arbiter.
Big crush on Nine-Oh-Two.
Doctor Who season 7 premiere was yesterday. I'm really sorry to say I disliked it. They completely wiped away 50 years of history between The Doctor and the show's greatest enemy, the Daleks, by having one of the character's delete him from the Dalek's computer memory. Grrr. I hope Moffat will retcon that somehow.
I did however, really enjoy the part where the Doctor lays down some backing vocals for some hip-hop artist. Ahaha.