Tuesday, June 28, 2011

This is what happens when I take two days off work.

Jewell (about me, to a patient): We only keep her here cause they won't hire her anywhere else.

This is where we left off, kids:

I had a finger injury and I couldn't knit (or type... fate worse than death) so I had to put my JJ scarfette on hold. But now thanks to some hydrogen peroxide that I got from work plus marinating my finger in salt water, I am functioning at 99% capacity.

Time for some...
(I did a google image search for "picspam" and out pops David Tennant's Doctor. I love it.)

By Tuesday night the project was getting so big that I was, like, over it. When you finish a row, you turn the work 180 degrees to work your way across the back side (this is called "working on the wrong side" in case you ever want to win some knitting trivia.) After dozens of turns, the piece gets so twisted that it gets quite cumbersome to deal with.
And straightening it out after each row would be too easy.

So I brought out the ironing board and pinned it into shape.

By this point, I was basically gave up about the whole thing. I stopped reading the pattern due to inconsistencies. ("WHY IS THIS NOT SYMMETRICAL I DON'T UNDERSTAND.")
I knit it straight off the ironing board to keep it all in order, pinning it/unpinning it as I needed.

There was one terrifying moment towards the end where I dropped a stitch and had to pull out my crochet hook to salvage it. I was watching one of Pierce Brosnan's gawdawful renditions of 007 at this moment, so I blame him. Daniel Craig never would have stood for that shit.

Once I finished what I lovingly referred to as The-Project-That-Never-Ends, I dusted off my lace blocking wires to shape it properly and pin it into place.

Steam it with an iron for a minute or two, let it cool.

Take awkward picture in front of dirty mirror.
Post on Facebook.

Also, look at these sexy people I work with. We had a housewarming party for Ann (or, "Peaches" as I call her, since Sarah and I already call Joyce "Ann" even though her name is not that. And there can't be two Anns.)

Next Project: Ribbed Lace Bolero.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

My personal hell

Finger swollen. Can't type. Can't knit.
Guess that means: OBLIGATORY NAP TIEM.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The ice cream is now frozenified, and I added some hot fudge. It was fantastic; I didn't expect it to turn out so well.

Monday, June 20, 2011


2 new recipes to try out today.

Creamy Chicken Alfredo
This is fantastic.
The recipe is on the above link at the author's page.


Homemade Ice Cream
The beauty of this ice cream recipe is that you can literally add anything you want to it. As soon as I read it my first thought was to make a batch of the walnut filling from a Polish pastry that my family makes during the holidays.

The tub is still in the freezing process so I haven't tried any of the finished product though I will admit to nibbling and it's quite tasty. I think my final product was too liquid-y and might not set-up properly, but only time will tell I guess.

Friday, June 17, 2011

And, Pizza.

My evening: warm cookies, Law & Order SVU marathon, knitting.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Patient satisfaction survey, written in the margin:
That's me!

Night Dweller

Me: They only gave me one ranch packet at the drive-thru when I asked.
Tabby: I'da drove back around. I'da been like (sarcastic) "One ranch? Really?" and drove away.

Sarah (sunburned, about her husband): The next day he was like "I'm sorry about your face." and I was like "Sorry about YOUR face. Asshole."

Laurie: Today in a patient's chart I checked 'yes' for pregnancy test. And they were 56 years old. And his name was Robert.

Me (on phone): I don't think we have this patient. Could you spell the last name?
Monica: Schenkelberg. S-c-h-whatever.

I am the only person in my family that lives in a humid subtropical (thank you wikipedia) environment (read: Florida). I have absolutely no business knitting scarves and hats and stuff. I used to joke with my British friend while I was learning how to knit that I would probably end up strangling myself accidentally with one of my scarves and instead of mourning me people would say "wtf she wearing a scarf in Florida for".

It's so hot here right now (and it's not even summer yet) that my steering wheel would burn me, and I ain't even playin'. I routinely drive with napkins between my hands and the wheel. I have a can of vanilla airwick or whatever that I keep in my cupholder for scent emergencies (I once left wet shoes in my car over the weekend.) and I am mildly concerned one day it will rupture from the heat since the contents are under pressure. I just recently found out my A/C settings in my Toyota were not properly configured for maximum coolage levels, and when I realized and fixed it, it was the best day of my life.

But I digress. Over the next few days I'll be turning some green yarn into this:
The "JJ" Scarfette from Ravelry.com (This image is not mine PS by the way)
It's cute and with proper blocking looks like it could be very lightweight. And the tails are long which is good since the last shawlette I knit wasn't wide enough.

So here are the goods. KnitPicks lightweight yarn in “Canopy”
Knitpicks.com is quickly becoming my favorite place to spend money.

Last time I unraveled a big thing of laceweight yarn I had my poor gramma stand there while I pulled the yarn off her hands and wound it into my yarn windery contraption. This time I realized the hank is just wide enough to fit on one of my laundry baskets.

Yarn windery contraption is love.

Okay so from that hank of green we now have four center-pull balls of yarn totaling about 460 yards. I feel the need to disclose that this picture (along with 98% of my knitting pictures) is taken in my bathroom. I am a night owl and do most if not all of my knitting at night when the light is not ideal for picture taking. I discovered my "incandescent" setting on my camera that is meant for fluorescent lighting and also am using white tissue paper as a backdrop since I'm sure you don't want to see my mouthwash and box o' band-aids.

Compelling detail of cast-on row.

Every other row is increased by 1 stitch along one side. The left side here stays at a right-angle to the needles (no increases) but the right side will slant outward as I increase on that side. Eventually this will make a triangle, where I will then decrease to form the other wing of the scarfette.

Okay so I stopped taking pictures for a while because really I didn't want to be bothered getting up from my bed to set up my photography-studio-slash-bathroom.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

There is no spoon

I feel like I'm able to perceive the streaming code within The Matrix and become The One or solve the Da Vinci Code when I look at this and actually understand what the hell it means.

Well I'm sitting here waiting for the USPS to deliver my ARC for Cold Vengeance but I'll be going soon to
Dutch Heritage, a fantastic restaurant with that has a bakery the size of my house where I plan to buy some tasty homemade snacks. When I read Fever Dream ARC last year I was eating Pez almost the entire time, and this time it'll be jelly beans or something else that I don't actually need. Though, I could always make cookies and then hate myself later.

Today will be a good day. New Pendy novel and a new episode of Shippuden tonight, and new knit project started. Also, it's Saturday.

PS: Turns out I don't know code as well as I thought I did.