Jewell (about me, to a patient): We only keep her here cause they won't hire her anywhere else.
This is where we left off, kids:
I had a finger injury and I couldn't knit (or type... fate worse than death) so I had to put my JJ scarfette on hold. But now thanks to some hydrogen peroxide that I got from work plus marinating my finger in salt water, I am functioning at 99% capacity.
Time for some...
(I did a google image search for "picspam" and out pops David Tennant's Doctor. I love it.)
By Tuesday night the project was getting so big that I was, like, over it. When you finish a row, you turn the work 180 degrees to work your way across the back side (this is called "working on the wrong side" in case you ever want to win some knitting trivia.) After dozens of turns, the piece gets so twisted that it gets quite cumbersome to deal with.
And straightening it out after each row would be too easy.
So I brought out the ironing board and pinned it into shape.
By this point, I was basically gave up about the whole thing. I stopped reading the pattern due to inconsistencies. ("WHY IS THIS NOT SYMMETRICAL I DON'T UNDERSTAND.")
I knit it straight off the ironing board to keep it all in order, pinning it/unpinning it as I needed.
There was one terrifying moment towards the end where I dropped a stitch and had to pull out my crochet hook to salvage it. I was watching one of Pierce Brosnan's gawdawful renditions of 007 at this moment, so I blame him. Daniel Craig never would have stood for that shit.
Once I finished what I lovingly referred to as The-Project-That-Never-Ends, I dusted off my lace blocking wires to shape it properly and pin it into place.
Steam it with an iron for a minute or two, let it cool.
Take awkward picture in front of dirty mirror.
Post on Facebook.
Also, look at these sexy people I work with. We had a housewarming party for Ann (or, "Peaches" as I call her, since Sarah and I already call Joyce "Ann" even though her name is not that. And there can't be two Anns.)
Next Project: Ribbed Lace Bolero.